Chemical Exposure

South Carolina Mechanic Files Lawsuit Resulting from Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis

Hartley Law Group along with The Bailey Law Firm recently filed a civil lawsuit on behalf of an automobile mechanic in Beaufort County, South Carolina Commons Pleas Court against various suppliers, distributors and manufacturers of gasoline and solvent materials. Plaintiff began employment as an automobile mechanic in 1970, and was exposed to benzene-containing gasoline, mixed […]

FELA & Railroad Injuries

The Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) is a United States federal law that gives interstate railroad workers that have been injured, sickened or killed during the course of their employment the right to sue their employer for damages providing their employer was negligent in whole or in part. The FELA Act was enacted in 1908; […]

Developments in Benzene Research

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (or IARC) is an arm of the World Health Organization that is charged with investigating cancer, and particularly the disease’s causes. IARC reviews scientific research discussing various chemicals, and issues publications called monographs describing its review and findings. In 1982, IARC issued Volume 29 of its monographs, which […]